The Gold Standard for the Practical Application of Mastitis Culturing
Research has shown AccuMast is the most accurate on-farm test on the market, plus it and AccuMast Plus are the only tests that correctly identified Staphylococcus aureus. Thanks to our fast, easy and accurate system, farms across the nation are finally able to selectively treat cows without making compromises!

"Mastitis is one of the most common and expensive diseases on a dairy farm. Usually the decision to treat clinical mastitis is made without any knowledge of the etiology. On our dairy farm we used to culture mastitis samples on a traditional blood plate, but that plate doesn’t let us identify the specific bacteria that cause the disease and we treat those cows unspecifictly, which causes in some cases a necessary re-treatment.
AccuMast brings an easy and accurate system to identify and implement right protocols to specific bacteria. It saves us time, money and helps us to co-relate the bacteria present with some environmental conditions that we could improve to reduce the mastitis incidence on the farm. The power of color makes it easy for a non-expert person to interpret the results of the culture, all of this makes AccuMast a powerful tool to any dairy farm.”
Ximena Alcaraz
Longs Peak Dairy

"I wanted a quicker and cheaper way of identifying mastitis pathogens for our farms with milk quality issues, but it had to be both accurate and easy to use. The AccuMast plates fit the bill perfectly!”
Dr. Zoe Vogels

"We have gone to using the AccuMast plates on our 2,000-cow dairy for its accuracy and speed of results. We get results so much faster, 16-24 hours after plating, as compared to sending to a lab, where it could be 48-72 hours for results. Also, we get the convenience of plating in the afternoon, where if we sent to a lab, it would still be a day later for pickup."
Lynne Lopez
Becks Dairy Farm

"We switched to the AccuMast and AccuStaph test kits to get results faster. This enabled us to treat more effectively using less medicines at the same time keeping more milk in the tank."
Willet Dairy

"We have been using AccuMast plates for a little over a year and are happy with the results. When making the transition to on-farm culture, we chose AccuMast for the ease of identifying staph aureus. Training employees with a range of educational backgrounds has been relatively simple. With 2-3 new cases per day, we have found most employees can become proficient in 1-2 weeks. Since switching to culture-based mastitis therapy we have cut antibiotic use by nearly 75%."
Forthright Dairy Consulting
Plainview, TX