Administering the maternal appeasing substance before slaughter to improve carcass characteristics of finishing cattle
Apr 02, 2024
Shea J. Mackey, Reinaldo F. Cooke, and Autumn T. Pickett
Department of Animal Science, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77845, USA
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Two experiments evaluated carcass characteristics of finishing steers administered the maternal bovine appeasing substance (mBAS) prior to slaughter. In Exp. 1, 954 Angus-influenced finishing steers housed in 6 original pens were used. Each original pen was split into a pair of experimental pens 14.3 d ± 3 d prior to slaughter, in a manner that number of steers and average pen body weight (BW; 636 ± 4 kg) were similar. An oiler containing mBAS (Ferappease Finish Cattle 5%; FERA Diagnostics and Biologicals; College Station, TX) was added to one of the experi mental pens 7 d prior to slaughter (n = 6), whereas the other pen did not contain an oiler (CON; n = 6). The oiler delivered 120 mL of mBAS/steer during a 7-d period. Steer BW was recorded 7 d prior to and during loading (final BW) to the packing plant. No treatment effects were detected (P ≥ 0.51) for BW gain, final BW, and proportion of carcasses that graded Choice or Prime. Carcass dressing percentage was greater (P = 0.02) in mBAS compared with CON steers (65.9% vs. 64.2%; SEM = 0.5), which was not sufficient to impact hot carcass weight (HCW; P = 0.29). Incidence of dark-cutting carcasses did not differ between treatments (P = 0.23). In Exp. 2, 80 Angus-influenced finishing steers housed in 16 pens (5 steers/pen; 600 ± 4 kg of BW) were used. Pens were arranged in 4 rows of 4 pens/row, and rows were alternately assigned to receive an oiler containing mBAS (n = 8) or mineral oil (CON+; n = 8) 7 d prior to slaughter. Oilers were designed to deliver 120 mL/steer of mBAS or mineral oil during the 7-d period. Steer BW was recorded as in Exp. 1, and a blood sample was collected during exsanguination. No treatment effects were detected (P ≥ 0.20) for BW parameters, carcass marbling score, backfat thickness, Longissimus muscle area, yield grade, and proportion of carcasses that graded Choice or Prime. Carcass dressing was greater (P = 0.02) in mBAS steers compared with CON + (60.6 vs. 59.6%; SEM = 0.3) but HCW did not differ (P = 0.47) between treatments. Plasma cortisol concentration was less (P < 0.01) in mBAS steers compared with CON + (11.7 vs. 20.8 ng/mL; SEM = 1.6). Incidence of dark-cutting carcasses did not differ (P = 0.53) between treatments. In summary, mBAS administration to finishing cattle using oilers during the last 7 d on feed alleviated the adrenocortical stress response elicited by the process of slaughter, which likely resulted in increased carcass dressing.